The Department of Mechanical Engineering has a thriving research community of globally-recognized experts in mechanical engineering, mechatronics, biomechanics, neuromechanics, and nanotechnology.
Research Areas
Our faculty, along with post-doctoral associates and graduate and undergraduate students, continuously strive to push the boundaries of mechanical engineering by conducting cutting-edge research in the following six main areas:
Micro/Nano/Quantum Technology
The interdisciplinary nature and expanding applications for nanotechnology, micro-electrical-mechanical systems, and quantum technology demonstrate the vast potential and impact of the field. Our research group explores various aspects, including nano/microfabrication, fabrication and characterization of advanced nanomaterials, nanomaterial-based sensors, polymer nanocomposites, nanoelectronics, nanophotonics, quantum technology, multiscale robotics, and nano- and microfluidics.
Dynamics, Controls and Robotics Systems
Through applied robotics research and fundamental studies of dynamical systems and control, our faculty and students contribute to the improvement of robotics technology. Our investigations cover all aspects of robotics and autonomous systems, including sophisticated intelligence systems, novel robotic platforms and controls, to component technologies for robotic systems.
Biomechanical Engineering
The biomechanics and materials research cluster uses theoretical, computational, experimental, and simulation-based approaches to study, characterize, and leverage the behavior of a wide range of high performance materials, including biomaterials, metals, plastics/polymers, and composites. In addition, our researchers study the development of novel medical devices and systems for various health-related applications.
Aerospace Engineering
Research in Aerospace engineering focuses on the development of technologies for aviation, defense systems, and spacecraft. Our department emphasizes areas such as aerodynamic fluid flow, hypersonic reactive flow, guidance, navigation and control, propulsion systems, and computational fluid dynamics.
Energy, Thermal-Fluids, and Sustainability
Promoting economic and environmental sustainability is crucial for the future of society. Our department undertakes research in energy systems and sustainability by developing solutions that align with these goals. Through interdisciplinary collaborative research, education, and outreach programs, our faculty members engage in exploring research on advanced and sustainable energy systems combined with fundamental and applied research in fluid mechanics, heat transfer, and thermodynamics.
Design Computations and Advanced Manufacturing
The design and manufacturing cluster focuses on realizing cost-effective and high performance products and systems through cross-disciplinary research spanning multiple design and manufacturing areas including applications of AI and machine learning in product design and manufacturing, advanced materials and manufacturing process sciences, and intelligent systems integration technologies.