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Stevens in the News
Dr. Philip Odonkor on smart cities & informatics
Philip Odonkor, SES assistant professor, spoke to Scott Douglas Jacobsen of The Good Men Project about how his work integrates data science, smart city development and sustainability to drive progress in urban innovation.
How the Federal Reserve's rate policy affects mortgages
"I think that's one of the reasons the mortgage rates are still going in the wrong direction from the Federal Reserve's standpoint," said George Calhoun, SSB professor and director of the Hanlon Financial Systems Center at Stevens.
Student wellness tip: increasing access to affordable food
This spring, Stevens in New Jersey launched a program called Feed the Flock that allows students to request up to three meal swipes three times a semester, part of the national Swipe Out Hunger initiative. Over 850 campuses around the country have joined Swipe Out Hunger’s network, helping address food insecurity through free and discounted food offerings.