Kevin Connington
Teaching Associate Professor
Charles V. Schaefer, Jr. School of Engineering and Science
Department of Mechanical Engineering
- PhD (2009) The Johns Hopkins University (Mechanical Engineering)
- MS (2006) The Johns Hopkins University (Mechanical Engineering)
- BS (2003) The Johns Hopkins University (Mechanical Engineering)
Multiphase Flow, Fluid-Particle Interactions, Soft Matter Flows
Computational Fluid Dynamics: The Lattice Boltzmann Method(LBM)
Parallel Computing with MPI
Computational Fluid Dynamics: The Lattice Boltzmann Method(LBM)
Parallel Computing with MPI
Institutional Service
- CCT/RCT Member
- Undergrad Committee Member
- Lab Committee Member
Professional Service
- Journal Reviewer: Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Physics of Fluids, Journal of Computational Physics, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Computers and Fluids, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, etc.
Teaching Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Stevens Institute of Technology, September 2020-present
Teaching Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Stevens Institute of Technology, September 2014 - September 2020
Postdoctoral Research Associate, The Levich Institute for Physico-Chemical Hydrodynamics, The City College of New York, January 2010 - September 2014
Visiting Scholar, Earth and Environmental Science(EES) Group, Los Alamos National Labs, January 2007 - December 2008
Teaching Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Stevens Institute of Technology, September 2014 - September 2020
Postdoctoral Research Associate, The Levich Institute for Physico-Chemical Hydrodynamics, The City College of New York, January 2010 - September 2014
Visiting Scholar, Earth and Environmental Science(EES) Group, Los Alamos National Labs, January 2007 - December 2008
Professional Societies
- APS-DCOMP: American Physical Society - Division of Computational Physics Member
- APS-DSOFT – APS-DSOFT: American Physical Society - Division of Soft Matter Member
- APS-DFD – APS-DFD: American Physical Society - Division of Fluid Dynamics Member
Selected Publications
Journal Article
- Ahmed, A.; Mi, J.; Huang, J.; Datla, R.; Connington, K.; Zuo, L.; Hajj, M. (2024). Power capture and power take-off load of a self-balanced dual-flap oscillating surge wave energy converter. Energy (vol. 291).
- Rezvantalab, H.; Connington, K.; Shojaei-Zadeh, S. (2016). Shear-induced interfacial assembly of Janus particles. Physical Review Fluids (7 ed., vol. 1).
- Connington, K.; Miskin, M. Z.; Lee, T.; Jaeger, H. M.; Morris, J. F. (2015). Lattice Boltzmann simulations of particle-laden liquid bridges: Effects of volume fraction and wettability. International Journal of Multiphase Flow (vol. 76, pp. 32-46).
- Connington, K.; Lee, T.; Morris, J. F. (2015). Interaction of fluid interfaces with immersed solid particles using the lattice Boltzmann method for liquid-gas-particle systems. Journal of Computational Physics (vol. 283, pp. 453-477).
- Haddadi, H.; Shojaei-Zadeh, S.; Connington, K.; Morris, J. F. (2014). Suspension flow past a cylinder: Particle interactions with recirculating wakes. Journal of Fluid Mechanics (vol. 760, pp. R2).
- Connington, K.; Lee, T. (2013). Lattice Boltzmann simulations of forced wetting transitions of drops on superhydrophobic surfaces. Journal of Computational Physics (vol. 250, pp. 601-615).
- Xia, Z.; Connington, K.; Rapaka, S.; Yue, P.; Feng, J. J.; Chen, S. (2009). Flow patterns in the sedimentation of an elliptical particle. Journal of Fluid Mechanics (vol. 625, pp. 249-272).
- Connington, K.; Kang, Q.; Viswanathan, H.; Abdel-Fattah, A.; Chen, S. (2009). Peristaltic particle transport using the lattice Boltzmann method. Physics of Fluids (5 ed., vol. 21).
Review, Journal
- Connington, K.; Lee, T. (2012). A review of spurious currents in the lattice Boltzmann method for multiphase flows. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology (12 ed., vol. 26, pp. 3857-3863).
ME-225 Dynamics, ME-234 Mechanical Engineering Thermodynamics, ME-342 Fluid Mechanics, ME/OE-512 Intermediate Fluid Dynamics, ME-594 Numerical Methods in Mechanical Engineering