University Relations Teams

In University Relations, creativity, strategy and storytelling converge to elevate the Stevens brand and amplify the university's message.

Behind every captivating campaign, engaging piece of content and compelling communication, there is a group of talented individuals who form the backbone of our efforts.

From seasoned marketing professionals to skilled content creators, digital strategists, graphic designers and communications specialists, our team is driven by a shared passion for connecting with audiences and making a lasting impact.

University Relations Teams

Corporate, Government and Community Relations

Corporate, Government and Community Relations is focused on facilitating strategic and mutually beneficial collaborations with industry partners, government collaborators at the local, state and federal levels and strengthening ties between Stevens and the Hoboken community.

Through our team, corporations and businesses interested in collaborating with Stevens have a single point of contact through which engagement in research, corporate education, recruiting, philanthropy and more can be explored. We also monitor legislative activity at the state and federal level and works with internal and external stakeholders to manage and comply with new and proposed regulations and legislation. We represent the interests of Stevens at government and industry convenings and are a central coordinator and participant in the response to large-scale state and federal grant opportunities that require significant collaboration across academia, government and industry. 

Marketing Team

The Marketing team's multifaceted capabilities enable development and execution of strategic marketing campaigns that promote the Stevens brand and enhance its reputation. Our primary goal is to build awareness for the university and its colleges, departments and programs.

Through diligent market research and data analysis, we gather valuable insights and data that inform marketing strategies and campaigns. This allows us to understand the university's target audiences better and tailor messaging and outreach accordingly. By staying abreast of market trends and preferences, we can effectively position Stevens Institute of Technology as a leading educational institution.

Operations Team

Our Operations team manages administrative, financial and HR processes for the division which encompass communications and marketing; government, corporate and community relations; and presidential initiatives. Operations support includes financial planning, budgeting and monitoring; project scheduling and management; talent recruitment and other human resources needs; and administrative support for UR staff, initiatives, presentations and events.

We work cross-functionally with many other offices at Stevens, most notably the Office of the President, but also the divisions of Finance, Human Resources, Information Technology, Facilities and Campus Operations, and Development and Alumni Engagement. We develop and support strategies, initiatives and policies that ensure the division runs smoothly and effectively.

Strategic Communications and Public Relations

Our Strategic Communication and Public Relations team helps shape Stevens’ reputation and impact through all communications channels and advances key institutional priorities as outlined in our strategic plan, Stevens 2032: Inspired by Humanity, Powered by Technology™. We collaborate with communications partners across the university to engage audiences from prospective students to alumni and beyond with a wide range of content deliverables. We also work with the media to amplify Stevens’ impact on the world stage.   

Our team comprises several sub-teams, including Public and Media Relations, Social Media, Storytelling and News and Video Production.  

Strategic Initiatives and Brand Management Team

Our Strategic Initiatives and Brand Management team defines and maintains the graphic standards that help refine and project our brand to the public. Our core role is to build and maintain a strong brand presence that aligns with the university's business objectives and values.  We develop branded products, work with campus partners on promotional materials, provide brand review service, answer questions about the overall Stevens brand and recommend vendors and marketing suppliers for promotional and other materials. 

We also produce the Stevens Indicator, the university’s biannual magazine.

Web and Digital Strategy Team

Our Web and Digital Strategy team is responsible for shaping and executing a comprehensive approach to maximize the university's online presence and digital capabilities. We combine strategic thinking, technical expertise, and design savvy to achieve strategic goals and objectives.

Our core function is to develop and refine a long-term digital strategy that aligns with the university's strategic goals. This strategy encompasses website development, analytics, social media, content creation, marketing, SEO, and more.

Additionally, we design website improvements, information architecture, and usability testing to enhance the user experience of and other digital properties. We collaborate frequently with colleagues to ensure that digital strategies align with overall university objectives.