Systems and Enterprises Undergraduate Studies

Department of Systems and Enterprises Undergraduate Studies: Where Hands-On Experience Prepares You for Real-World Success

To design, develop and maintain complex 21st-century systems, the world needs big-picture thinkers with engineering acumen, creativity and managerial ability. These technical leaders of tomorrow are trained in the Department of Systems and Enterprises.

Our undergraduate programs, including the nationally ranked industrial and systems engineering program, sit at the dynamic intersection of technology, management and real-world application to provide the technical training that students need to address tomorrow's global challenges in research and development, policy and strategy, and innovation in academia, business and government.

Explore our undergraduate majors and minors

Stevens graduate student Samantha Weckesser

Stevens Success Story: Samantha Weckesser '23

The challenge of intelligently assessing cargo containers in port for hazardous materials led Samantha Weckesser '23 to win the top prize at Stevens’ annual Innovation Expo, a memorable Coast Guard internship and a startup venture for cargo-scanning AI.

Real-World Experience and Hands-On Projects

Our department offers a variety of clubs, organizations and extracurricular activities that will help you develop both personally and professionally. Learn more about these opportunities and how Stevens has helped prepare some of our brightest graduates for their futures.

From left to right, Daniel Wadler, Samantha Weckesser, Reva Grover and Dehan Kong during the 2023 Innovation Expo at Stevens.

Senior Design Projects

In Senior Design, the engineering capstone course, you'll work on a year-long collaborative project with a team of three to five students and professional industry mentors to develop innovative design solutions for real-world projects. Sponsored projects offer the opportunity to gain "real-world experience" through industry-sponsored consulting, entrepreneurial and product development projects.

Official logo of the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE)

ASEP and CSEP Certification

Stevens Institute of Technology and the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) have reached an agreement in which certain courses offered by Stevens will allow students to meet credential requirements for both the Associate Systems Engineering Professional (ASEP) and Certified Systems Engineering Professional (CSEP) certifications.

Students doing tissue engineering research in Hongjun Wang's Semcer Lab, part of the Semcer Center for Healthcare Innovation

Undergraduate Research

As a Stevens undergraduate, you'll have numerous opportunities for first-hand participation in exciting and interesting research investigation and experimentation. This common thread of creation and discovery woven into all of our undergraduate programs helps you build research-and-development careers in academia and industry.

Women standing at a booth with brochures and pens

Engineering Cooperative Education

Approximately 30% of undergraduate engineering students participate in the Stevens Cooperative Education Program, designed to provide you with real-world experiences that prepare you to connect your academic studies with on-the-job experience, explore career interests and clarify goals. You'll alternate between semesters of full-time work and full-time study in areas related to your academic major and career goals.

Stevens Innovation Expo 2023

Innovation Expo

Senior design or research projects developed during the capstone course culminate with the annual Innovation Expo, where your projects are displayed and presented to attendees from industry and across campus, and are judged by faculty and leading experts.

Students celebrate graduation with a big smile.

Your Future, Faster: The Accelerated Master's Program

Stevens' Accelerated Master's Program (AMP) enables currently enrolled students to apply credits from your undergraduate coursework toward a master’s degree, allowing you to earn your bachelor's and master's degrees in just five years.

Clubs and Organizations

Stevens is home to a number of graduate student societies. Within each department, these organizations foster collaborative student relationships to help you find friends and to provide a sense of home while you're away from home.

American Society for Engineering Management

The American Society for Engineering Management (ASEM) exists to help its members to develop and improve their skills as practicing managers of engineering. Stevens has a chapter of ASEM that holds regular events for students on campus. Some of these events include resume-writing workshops, career panel discussions and visits with the U.S. Military Academy at West Point's chapter of ASEM.

Engineering Management Honor Society

Stevens Institute of Technology is the Beta chapter of Epsilon Mu Eta, the engineering management honor society. In addition to being eligible for engineering honor societies such as Tau Beta Pi, excellent academic and community service allows consideration for membership into the Engineering Management Honor Society as well.

Software Engineering Club

The Software Engineering club provides a hands-on development experience by organizing a semester-long software project for members to work on. We are made up of prospective developers, programming engineers and anyone else who wants to learn more about the software development process. Anyone interested can also attend workshops on useful software development tools, frameworks, APIs and other technologies. We also foster career growth by hosting seminars by employers hiring software engineers.

Information can be found by emailing

Stevens Institute of Technology Seal on stone gate

Learn More and Apply

Find out what the School of Engineering and Science has to offer by visiting the Schaefer School's Undergraduate Studies page. Visit Undergraduate Admissions to learn about our campus. Ready to take the next step? Learn how to apply below.