Global Ambassadors Program

The Global Ambassador Program was developed for Stevens study abroad returnees who enjoyed their international experiences in all aspects and now want to volunteer their time and effort to help other Stevens students find out about the many study abroad opportunities available to them. The Global Ambassadors are trained to help new students, explaining program options, giving an overview of the study abroad process and, of course, talking about their own experiences.

The Role of Global Ambassador 

While in the program, Global Ambassadors will:

  • Lead study abroad pre­sen­ta­tions, draw­ing on per­sonal expe­ri­ence and fol­low­ing an out­line

  • Peer advise stu­dents on study abroad options

  • Pro­mote study abroad through spe­cial programs/events

  • Refer stu­dents’ spe­cific ques­tions regard­ing pro­grams and pro­ce­dures to the Director of the Office of International Programs

All ambassadors are required to participate in study abroad events and  general training/reflection meetings.  

How to Become a Global Ambassador 

To become a GA, you must be a full-time undergraduate student at Stevens. You must also have participated in a study/internship/co-op/service abroad program at the collegiate level. Additional requirements include: 

  • Good com­mu­ni­ca­tion skills (writ­ten and oral)

  • Minimum accumulative GPA of 2.75

  • Good com­puter skills (Microsoft Word, Excel, Pow­er­Point, Out­look)

  • Abil­ity to work inde­pen­dently and with­out direct super­vi­sion

  • Abil­ity to work as a mem­ber of a team

The most effective and successful Global Ambassadors have experience in advising/mentorship and marketing or graphic design. A flexible schedule, motivation and enthusiasm are also required.


Application Process

If you are interested in becoming a Global Ambassador, complete the application and send it with your resume to You need to complete the application prior to October 15th for the fall semester and February 1st for the spring semester.


Global Ambassador Links