Job Offer Policies

Job Offer Policies

Stevens Career Center recruiting policies are designed to ensure fairness and equity in the hiring process for all students and employers. The policies also provide an opportunity for students to take a reasonable amount of time to consider opportunities and to make educated and thoughtful employment decisions.

Students may contact the Career Center at to schedule an appointment to discuss a written job offer.

Summer Internship or Co-op Job Converted to Full-Time Job Offer

The recommended date by which a graduating Stevens student should respond to an offer of employment after a summer internship or co-op job is Friday, October 11, 2024, or not more than four weeks from the date the written offer is received by the student, whichever date is earliest.

We recommend that employers make written offers to students. We also recommend that students formally accept an offer from an employer only after receiving the offer in writing.

Example #1: If an employer extends a written offer to a student on Monday, August 12, the recommended date by which the student should respond to the employer with a decision is Monday, September 9 (four weeks after the written offer is received).  

Example #2: If an employer extends a written offer to a student on Friday, September 20, the recommended date by which the student should respond to the employer with a decision is Friday, October 11, which is the earliest date recommended.  

Full-Time Job Offers During Fall Recruiting

The recommended date by which a graduating Stevens student should respond to an offer of full-time employment during the fall semester recruiting period is not more than four weeks from the date the written offer is received by the student. For full-time employment offers after November 1, we recommend students and employers agree on a reasonable amount of time between two to three weeks from the date the written offer is extended to the student. We recommend that employers make written offers to students. We also recommend that students formally accept an offer from an employer only after receiving the offer in writing.

Offers for Summer 2025 Internships  

We recommend that students and employers agree on a reasonable amount of time for a student to evaluate and respond to an offer for a Summer 2025 internship. Students and employers may use two to four weeks from the date the written offer is received by the student as a suggested reasonable amount of time.