HASS Staff
Kelland Thomas
Dean of Stevens School of Humanities, Arts and Social SciencesJennifer McBryan
Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies
jmcbryan@stevens.eduAndrew Stein
Assistant Dean for Operations
Zachary Balog
Director of Foreign Languages
zbalog@stevens.eduRosemary Damato
Operations Manager
rhanna1@stevens.eduConnor Durkin
Senior Manager of Communications and Marketing
cdurkin@stevens.eduKerri DeBoer
Academic Advisor
kerri.deboer@stevens.eduNicole Malantchouk
Director of Student Success
nicole.malantchouk@stevens.eduSarah Minsloff
Associate Director of the Writings and Communications Center
sminslof@stevens.eduDebra Pagan
Executive Assistant to the Dean
dpagan@stevens.eduBobby Pelphrey
Director of the Writings and Communications Center