Hardware Utility Design and Software Optimization Networking Laboratory

The mission of the Hardware Utility Design and Software Optimization Networking Lab (HUDSONLab) is to address the most fundamental challenges in hardware/software codesign that is closely related to future chip design, artificial intelligence, data science and internet of things (IoT). Our research will bring transformative impacts to industrial partners and prepare next-generation professionals for future challenges in electronic design automation, data mining, machine learning, as well as high-performance computing.

HUDSONLab Members

Research Areas

  • High-Performance Spectral Methods for Numerical and Graph Problems

  • Hardware Acceleration of Numerical and CAD Algorithms

  • Integrated Circuits and Systems

  • VLSI Design and Computer-Aided Design (CAD)

  • Hardware and Software Co-Designed System for Graph Analytics and Machine Learning

  • Lower Level System (E.G. OS) Research, Cloud Computing, Numerical Simulation

Current Projects

Spectral Reduction of Large Graph and Circuits Networks

Zhuo Feng, Funded by SHF/NSF (2019-2022)

Scalable Spectral Sparsification of Graph Laplacians and Integrated Circuits

Zhuo Feng, Funded by SHF/NSF (2016-2019)

Leveraging Heterogeneous Manycore Systems for Scalable Modeling, Simulation and Verification of Nanoscale Integrated Circuits

Zhuo Feng, Funded by CAREER/NSF (2014-2019)