Saturday, May 17, 2025
9:30-9:55 a.m. | CHECK-IN BEGINS FOR STUDENTS IN GRADES 3-8 Students grades 3-8, check in to assigned testing rooms. Room assignments will be emailed to all confirmed attendees closer to the event date. Students grades 9-12, report to Babbio Atrium to check in for testing. Students will be escorted to classrooms at 9:45 a.m for 10 a.m. testing start time. |
10 a.m. | MATH OLYMPIAD TESTING BEGINS Students grades 3-8, testing begins in the assigned classrooms (known to Parents in advance). Students grades 9-12, welcome at 10 a.m. in Babbio Atrium. At 10:05, students will be escorted to classrooms for testing. |
11:20 a.m.-12:30 p.m. | MATH OLYMPIAD TESTING CONCLUDES The Math Olympiad will conclude after testing has been completed, which can vary depending on the student. Students grades 9-12, may work until 12:50 p.m. if they wish. Parents/guardians will pick up their participant(s) at the assigned testing room to complete the sign out process. Students who are 18 or older do not require parent/guardian pickup. |