Department of Civil, Environmental and Ocean Engineering
Our Areas of Study
Located on the Hudson

Choose Your Path
A degree from our department means an outstanding group of scholars, researchers, and industry leaders will prepare you for professional success in dynamic fields seeking top-tier talent.

Learn About Our Research
As host to the Davidson Laboratory and the Center for Environmental Systems, the civil, environmental and ocean engineering department facilitates research in fields such as smart infrastructure, forecasting and experimental ship design, new environmental technologies and sustainability.

STEM Outreach at the Schaefer School
The Charles V. Schaefer, Jr. School of Engineering and Science is dedicated to science, technology, engineering, and math education and enrichment at all levels. Our numerous STEM outreach and education programs are designed to instill a love of science and technology in both teachers and students from K - 12 throughout the New York and New Jersey area, and beyond.
Department News
Upcoming Seminars and Events
Department Leadership
Meet the faculty and staff leading the Department of Civil, Environmental and Ocean Engineering. Find contact information for department administrators, academic advisors and more.