Online Learning Support and Resources

Stevens strives to ensure that our online students feel connected to the university community, are supported in their studies, and are prepared to pursue their career goals after graduation. 

The Online & Corporate Education team serves as the primary point of contact for online students at every stage of their academic journey. Our staff guide students through the application process by assisting students with course selection and registration; encouraging students to take advantage of co-curricular programs; supporting students through challenges; and connecting students with relevant resources across the university.

Learn more about the programs, services, and resources available to online students at Stevens. 

Boosted Learning - a New Service for Online Students

The WebCampus Division is proud to announce the launch of our Boosted Learning initiative.  The goal of this effort is to help students better retain core content that they were exposed within recently completed courses in a minimally intrusive fashion.  Boosted Learning makes use of brief, single-item learning opportunities (or “boosts”) such as polls, multiple choice questions, or short-answer questions that are sent to students in the weeks following the semester.  Students are under no obligation to participate - they may simply opt out of the Boosted Learning campaign at any time. 

What does a Boosted Learning campaign look like?

Students enrolled in classes that are selected to be part of a Boosted Learning Campaign are notified ahead of time that they will receive a series of emails that feature brief questions about the course concepts in the weeks following the semester.  At weekly intervals, students will receive the "Booster Notes," which may be in the form of multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, or open-ended discussion-type questions. Students respond to these emails with their answers, which allows them to participate in the Boosted Learning Campaign.

The Benefits

The Boosted Learning Initiative is intended to add value to the online learning experience by increasing students' retention of core knowledge, improving their performance in subsequent classes, and ultimately to help them to advance in their careers.