Wei Li
Senior Research Scientist
Charles V. Schaefer, Jr. School of Engineering and Science
Department of Physics
- MS (1985) Institute of Space Physics, Chinese Academy of Science (Space physics )
- BS (1982) The University of Science and Technology of China (Space Physics)
Application of machine learning technique in remote sensing.
Radiative transfer and related modeling: Coupled atmosphere-surface RT model including effects of polarization.
Remote sensing retrieval algorithm development aimed at combing visible, infrared, and microwave data for improved retrievals of surface and atmospheric properties.
Radiative transfer and related modeling: Coupled atmosphere-surface RT model including effects of polarization.
Remote sensing retrieval algorithm development aimed at combing visible, infrared, and microwave data for improved retrievals of surface and atmospheric properties.
General Information
1985 - 1997: Research Associate Professor, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
1997 – 2000: Research Associate, Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks.
2000 - present: Research Associate, Research Associate Professor, Stevens Institute of Technology.
1997 – 2000: Research Associate, Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks.
2000 - present: Research Associate, Research Associate Professor, Stevens Institute of Technology.
Neural network technique applied to satellite remote sensing:
Snow/ice properties retrieval, Surface albedo retrieval;
Ocean color retrieval;
Long-term UV instrument data analysis
Multi-sensors data integration
Developed ocean color retrieval algorithms and water bio-optical models:
Atmospheric correction for heavy aerosol loadings;
Remote sensing reflectance retrieval for open ocean and coastal water;
Sun-glint reflectance simulation;
Algorithms for the GLI, SeaWiFS, MODIS, VIIRS, SGLI, and GOCI sensors.
Developed algorithm for NASA’s Cloud Absorption Radiometer (CAR) aircraft
instrument data to retrieve snow and ocean surface bi-directional reflectance values.
Radiative Transfer model improvement: the coupled atmosphere-snow/ice-ocean system and the effects of surface bi-directional reflectance.
Developed algorithms for JAXA’s GLobal Imager (GLI) on ADEOS-II:
Snow/ice properties retrieval;
Snow/ice surface temperature retrieval;
Cloud mask over snow.
Snow/ice properties retrieval, Surface albedo retrieval;
Ocean color retrieval;
Long-term UV instrument data analysis
Multi-sensors data integration
Developed ocean color retrieval algorithms and water bio-optical models:
Atmospheric correction for heavy aerosol loadings;
Remote sensing reflectance retrieval for open ocean and coastal water;
Sun-glint reflectance simulation;
Algorithms for the GLI, SeaWiFS, MODIS, VIIRS, SGLI, and GOCI sensors.
Developed algorithm for NASA’s Cloud Absorption Radiometer (CAR) aircraft
instrument data to retrieve snow and ocean surface bi-directional reflectance values.
Radiative Transfer model improvement: the coupled atmosphere-snow/ice-ocean system and the effects of surface bi-directional reflectance.
Developed algorithms for JAXA’s GLobal Imager (GLI) on ADEOS-II:
Snow/ice properties retrieval;
Snow/ice surface temperature retrieval;
Cloud mask over snow.
Selected Publications
Fan Y., N. Chen, W. Li, J-H Ahn, S. Kratzer, T. Schroeder, J. Ishizaka, R. Change and K. Stamnes, OC-SMART: A machine learning based data analysis platform for satellite ocean color sensors, RSE, 253:112236, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1016/jrse.2020.112236.
Sztipanov, M., L. Tumeh, W. Li, T. Svendby, A. Kylling, A. Dahlback, J. J. Stamnes, G. Hansen, and K. Stamnes, Ground-based measurements of total ozone column amount with a multichannel moderate-bandwidth filter instrument at the Troll research station, Antarctica, Applied Optics, 59(1), 97-106, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1364/AO.59.000097.
Tang, Q., Y. X. Hu, W. Li, J. Huang, and K. Stamnes, Optimizing Cirrus Optical Depth Retrievals over the Ocean from Collocated CALIPSO and AMSR-E Observations, Applied Optics, 57(26), 7472-7481, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1364/AO.57.007472.
Chen N., W. Li, C. Gatebe, T. Tanikawa, M. Hori, R. Shimada; T. Aoki, and K. Stamnes, New cloud mask algorithm based on machine learning methods and radiative transfer simulations, Remote Sensing of the Environment, 219,62-71, 2018.
Stamnes, K., B. Hamre, S. Stamnes, N. Chen, Y. Fan, W. Li, Z. Lin, and J. J. Stamnes, Progress in forward-inverse modeling based on radiative transfer tools for coupled atmosphere-snow/ice-ocean systems: A review and description of the AccuRT model, Applied Sciences, 8, 2682, 2018.
Z. Lin, N. Chen, Y. Fan, W. Li, S. Stamnes, and K. Stamnes, New treatment of strongly anisotropic scattering phase function: The Delta-M+ method, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 75, 327-336, 2017. Citations(3)
X. He, K. Stamnes, Y. Bai, W. Li, and D. Wang, Effects of Earth curvature on atmospheric correction for ocean color remote sensing, Remote sensing of Environment, 209, 118-133, 2018. Citations(1)
Stamnes, S., Y., Fan, N. Chen, W. Li, T. Tanikawa, Z.Lin, X. Liu, S. Burton, A. H. Omar, J. J. Stamnes, B.Cains, K. Stamnes, Advantages of Measuring the Q Stokes Parameter in Addition to the Total Radiance I in the Detection of Absorbing Aerosols, Frontiers in Earth Science 6, 2018, DOI: 10.3389/feart.2018.00034, Citations(1)
Chen, N., Li, W., Tanikawa, T., Hori, M., Shimada, R., Aoki, T., Stamnes, K., Fast yet accurate computation of radiances in shortwave infrared satellite remote sensing channels. Optics Express. 25(16), A649-A664, 2017. https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.25.00A649, Citations(3)
Fan, Y., Li, W., Gatebe, C.K., Jamet, C., Zibordi, G., Schroeder, T., and Stamnes, K., Atmospheric correction and aerosol retrieval over coastal waters using multilayer neural networks, Remote sensing of Environment, 199, 218-240, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2017.07.016, Citations(8).
Z. Lin, W. Li, C. Gatebe, R. Poudyal, and K. Stamnes, Radiative transfer simulations of the two-dimensional ocean glint reflectance and determination of the sea surface roughness. Appl. Opt., 55(6):1206–1215, 2016. Citations(9)
T. Tanikawa, W. Li, K, Kuchiki, T. Aoki, M. Hori, and K. Stamnes, (2015), Retrieval of snow physical parameters by neural networks and optimal estimation: case study for ground-based spectral radiometer system, Optics Express, 23(24), DOI: 10.1364/OE.23.0A1442. Citations(7).
Y. Fan, W. Li, K. J. Voss, C.K. Gatebe, and K. Stamnes, A neural network method to correct bidirectional effects in water-leaving radiance, Appl. Opt., 55(1):10, 2015. DOI: 10.1364/AO.55.000010. Citations(7)
Fan, Y., Li, W., Calzado, V.S., Trees, C., Stamnes, S., Fournier, G., Mckee, D., and Stamnes, K., Inferring inherent optical properties and water constituent profiles from apparent optical properties, Optics Express, 23(15): A987-A1009, 2015. DOI: 10.1364/OE.23.00A987. Citations(2)
L. Fan, W. Li, A. Dahlback, J. J. Stamnes, S. Stamnes, and K. Stamnes, Long-term comparisons of UV index values derived from a NILU-UV instrument, NWS, and OMI in the New York area, Applied Optics, 54(8), 1945-1951, 2015. Citations(4)
N. Chen, W. Li, T. Tanikawa, M. Hori, T. Aoki, and K. Stamnes, Cloud mask over snow/ice covered areas for the GCOM-C1/SGLI cryosphere mission: Validations over Greenland, J. Geophys. Res., 119, 12,287- 12,300, 2014. Citations(5)
L. Fan, W. Li, A. Dahlback, J. J. Stamnes, S. Stamnes, and K. Stamnes, New neural-network-based method to infer total ozone column amounts and cloud effects from multi-channel, moderate bandwidth filter instruments, Opt. Express, 22, 19595–19609, 2014. Citations(7)
L. Fan, W. Li, A. Dahlback, J. J. Stamnes, S. Englehardt, S. Stamnes, and K. Stamnes, Comparisons of three NILU-UV instruments deployed at the same site in the New York area, Appl. Opt., 53, 3598–3606, 2014. Citations(4)
W. Li, K. Stamnes, R. Spurr, and J. J. Stamnes, Simultaneous retrieval of aerosol and ocean properties by optimal estimation: SeaWiFS case studies for the Santa Barbara Channel, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 29:19, 5689-5698, 2008. Citation(13)
Ottaviani, M., R. Spurr, K. Stamnes, W. Li, W. Su, and W. J. Wiscombe, Improving the description of sunglint for accurate prediction of remotely-sensed radiances, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiative Transfer, 109, 2364-2375, 2018. doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2008.05.012. Citations(28)
K. Stamnes, W. Li, H. Eide, T. Aoki, M. Hori, and R. Storvold, ADEOS-II/GLI Snow/Ice Products - Part I: Scientific Basis, Remote Sensing Enviorment, 111, 258-273, 2007. Citations(61)
W. Li, K. Stamnes, H. Eide, and R. Spurr, Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) of Snow: Corrections for the Lambertian Assumption in Remote Sensing Applications, Optical Engineering, 46(6), 2007. DOI: 10.1117/12.757891. Citations(13)
K. Zhang, W. Li, K. Stamnes, H. Eide, R. Spurr, and S-C. Tsay, Assessment of the Moderate- Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer algorithm for retrieval of aerosol parameters over the ocean, Appl. Opt., 46, 1525-1534, 2007. Citations(11)
Zhang, K., W. Li, H. Eide, and K. Stamnes, A Bio-optical model suitable for use in forward and inverse coupled atmosphere-ocean radiative transfer models, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 103, 411-423, 2007. Citations(6)
Aoki, Te., M. Hori, H. Motoyohi, T. Tanikawa, A. Hachikubo, K. Sugiura, T. Yasunari, R. Storvold, H. A. Eide, K. Stamnes, W. Li, J. Nieke, Y. Nakajoma, and F. Takahashi, ADEOS-II/GLI snow/ice products - Part II: Validation Results, Remote Sensing of Environment, 111, 320-336, 2007. Citations(70).
Hori, M., Te. Aoki, K. Stamnes, and W. Li, ADEOS-II/GLI snow/ice products - Part III: Retrieved Results, Remote Sensing of Environment, 111, 274-319, 2007. Citations(38).
Spurr, R., K. Stamnes, H. Eide, W. Li, K. Zhang, and J. Stamnes, Simultaneous retrieval of aerosol and ocean color: A classic inverse modeling approach: I. Analytic Jacobians from the linearized CAO-DISORT model, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiative Transfer, 104, 428-449, 2007. Citations(26)
K. Stamnes, W. Li, H. Eide and J. J. Stamnes, Challenges in atmospheric correction of satellite imagery, Opt. Eng., 44(4), 41003-41011, 2005.
Jiang, S., K. Stamnes, W. Li and B. Hamre, Enhanced Solar Irradiance Across the Atmosphere-Sea Ice Interface: A Quantitative Numerical Study, Applied Optics, 44, 2613-2625, 2005. Citations(12)
Stamnes, K., W. Li, B. Yan, H. Eide, A. Barnard, W. S. Pegau and J. J. Stamnes, Accurate and self-consistent ocean color algorithm: simultaneous retrieval of aerosol optical properties and chlorophyll concentrations, Applied Optics, 42, 939-951, 2003.
Stamnes, K., B. Yan, W. Li, J. J. Stamnes and S. C. Tsay, Pitfalls in atmospheric correction of ocean color imagery: how should aerosol optical properties be computed?: reply to comment, Applied Optics, 42, 545-549, 2003. Citations(61).
Yan, B., K. Stamnes, W. Li, B. Chen, J. J. Stamnes, and S. C. Tsay, Pitfalls in atmospheric correction of ocean color imagery: How should aerosol optical properties be computed? Applied Optics, 41, 412-423, 2002. Citations(41)
Xiong, X., D. Lubin, W. Li, and K. Stamnes, A Critical Examination of Satellite Cloud Retrieval from AVHRR in the Arctic Using SHEBA Data, J. Appl. Met., 41, 1195-1209, 2002. Citations(3)
Yan, B., K. Stamnes, M. Toratani, W. Li, and J. J. Stamnes, Evaluation of a reflectance model used in the SeaWiFS ocean color algorithm: Implications for chlorophyll concentration retrievals, Applied Optics, 41, 6243-6259, 2002. Citations(11)
Xiong, X., W. Li, D. Lubin, and K. Stamnes, Evaluating the principles of cloud remote sensing with AVHRR and MAS Imagery over SHEBA, J. Geophys. Res., 2002. doi:10.1029/2000JC000424.
Li, W., K. Stamnes, B. Chen, and X. Xiong, Snow grain size retrieved from near-infrared radiances at multiple wavelengths, Geophys. Res. Lett., 28 (9), 1699-1702, 2001. Citations(79)
Lubin, D., W. Li, P. Dustan, C. H. Mazel, and K. Stamnes, Remote sensing of coral reefs from space: Spectral signatures and band optimization, Remote Sensing of the Environment, 75, 127-137, 2001. Citations (138).
Sztipanov, M., L. Tumeh, W. Li, T. Svendby, A. Kylling, A. Dahlback, J. J. Stamnes, G. Hansen, and K. Stamnes, Ground-based measurements of total ozone column amount with a multichannel moderate-bandwidth filter instrument at the Troll research station, Antarctica, Applied Optics, 59(1), 97-106, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1364/AO.59.000097.
Tang, Q., Y. X. Hu, W. Li, J. Huang, and K. Stamnes, Optimizing Cirrus Optical Depth Retrievals over the Ocean from Collocated CALIPSO and AMSR-E Observations, Applied Optics, 57(26), 7472-7481, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1364/AO.57.007472.
Chen N., W. Li, C. Gatebe, T. Tanikawa, M. Hori, R. Shimada; T. Aoki, and K. Stamnes, New cloud mask algorithm based on machine learning methods and radiative transfer simulations, Remote Sensing of the Environment, 219,62-71, 2018.
Stamnes, K., B. Hamre, S. Stamnes, N. Chen, Y. Fan, W. Li, Z. Lin, and J. J. Stamnes, Progress in forward-inverse modeling based on radiative transfer tools for coupled atmosphere-snow/ice-ocean systems: A review and description of the AccuRT model, Applied Sciences, 8, 2682, 2018.
Z. Lin, N. Chen, Y. Fan, W. Li, S. Stamnes, and K. Stamnes, New treatment of strongly anisotropic scattering phase function: The Delta-M+ method, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 75, 327-336, 2017. Citations(3)
X. He, K. Stamnes, Y. Bai, W. Li, and D. Wang, Effects of Earth curvature on atmospheric correction for ocean color remote sensing, Remote sensing of Environment, 209, 118-133, 2018. Citations(1)
Stamnes, S., Y., Fan, N. Chen, W. Li, T. Tanikawa, Z.Lin, X. Liu, S. Burton, A. H. Omar, J. J. Stamnes, B.Cains, K. Stamnes, Advantages of Measuring the Q Stokes Parameter in Addition to the Total Radiance I in the Detection of Absorbing Aerosols, Frontiers in Earth Science 6, 2018, DOI: 10.3389/feart.2018.00034, Citations(1)
Chen, N., Li, W., Tanikawa, T., Hori, M., Shimada, R., Aoki, T., Stamnes, K., Fast yet accurate computation of radiances in shortwave infrared satellite remote sensing channels. Optics Express. 25(16), A649-A664, 2017. https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.25.00A649, Citations(3)
Fan, Y., Li, W., Gatebe, C.K., Jamet, C., Zibordi, G., Schroeder, T., and Stamnes, K., Atmospheric correction and aerosol retrieval over coastal waters using multilayer neural networks, Remote sensing of Environment, 199, 218-240, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2017.07.016, Citations(8).
Z. Lin, W. Li, C. Gatebe, R. Poudyal, and K. Stamnes, Radiative transfer simulations of the two-dimensional ocean glint reflectance and determination of the sea surface roughness. Appl. Opt., 55(6):1206–1215, 2016. Citations(9)
T. Tanikawa, W. Li, K, Kuchiki, T. Aoki, M. Hori, and K. Stamnes, (2015), Retrieval of snow physical parameters by neural networks and optimal estimation: case study for ground-based spectral radiometer system, Optics Express, 23(24), DOI: 10.1364/OE.23.0A1442. Citations(7).
Y. Fan, W. Li, K. J. Voss, C.K. Gatebe, and K. Stamnes, A neural network method to correct bidirectional effects in water-leaving radiance, Appl. Opt., 55(1):10, 2015. DOI: 10.1364/AO.55.000010. Citations(7)
Fan, Y., Li, W., Calzado, V.S., Trees, C., Stamnes, S., Fournier, G., Mckee, D., and Stamnes, K., Inferring inherent optical properties and water constituent profiles from apparent optical properties, Optics Express, 23(15): A987-A1009, 2015. DOI: 10.1364/OE.23.00A987. Citations(2)
L. Fan, W. Li, A. Dahlback, J. J. Stamnes, S. Stamnes, and K. Stamnes, Long-term comparisons of UV index values derived from a NILU-UV instrument, NWS, and OMI in the New York area, Applied Optics, 54(8), 1945-1951, 2015. Citations(4)
N. Chen, W. Li, T. Tanikawa, M. Hori, T. Aoki, and K. Stamnes, Cloud mask over snow/ice covered areas for the GCOM-C1/SGLI cryosphere mission: Validations over Greenland, J. Geophys. Res., 119, 12,287- 12,300, 2014. Citations(5)
L. Fan, W. Li, A. Dahlback, J. J. Stamnes, S. Stamnes, and K. Stamnes, New neural-network-based method to infer total ozone column amounts and cloud effects from multi-channel, moderate bandwidth filter instruments, Opt. Express, 22, 19595–19609, 2014. Citations(7)
L. Fan, W. Li, A. Dahlback, J. J. Stamnes, S. Englehardt, S. Stamnes, and K. Stamnes, Comparisons of three NILU-UV instruments deployed at the same site in the New York area, Appl. Opt., 53, 3598–3606, 2014. Citations(4)
W. Li, K. Stamnes, R. Spurr, and J. J. Stamnes, Simultaneous retrieval of aerosol and ocean properties by optimal estimation: SeaWiFS case studies for the Santa Barbara Channel, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 29:19, 5689-5698, 2008. Citation(13)
Ottaviani, M., R. Spurr, K. Stamnes, W. Li, W. Su, and W. J. Wiscombe, Improving the description of sunglint for accurate prediction of remotely-sensed radiances, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiative Transfer, 109, 2364-2375, 2018. doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2008.05.012. Citations(28)
K. Stamnes, W. Li, H. Eide, T. Aoki, M. Hori, and R. Storvold, ADEOS-II/GLI Snow/Ice Products - Part I: Scientific Basis, Remote Sensing Enviorment, 111, 258-273, 2007. Citations(61)
W. Li, K. Stamnes, H. Eide, and R. Spurr, Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) of Snow: Corrections for the Lambertian Assumption in Remote Sensing Applications, Optical Engineering, 46(6), 2007. DOI: 10.1117/12.757891. Citations(13)
K. Zhang, W. Li, K. Stamnes, H. Eide, R. Spurr, and S-C. Tsay, Assessment of the Moderate- Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer algorithm for retrieval of aerosol parameters over the ocean, Appl. Opt., 46, 1525-1534, 2007. Citations(11)
Zhang, K., W. Li, H. Eide, and K. Stamnes, A Bio-optical model suitable for use in forward and inverse coupled atmosphere-ocean radiative transfer models, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 103, 411-423, 2007. Citations(6)
Aoki, Te., M. Hori, H. Motoyohi, T. Tanikawa, A. Hachikubo, K. Sugiura, T. Yasunari, R. Storvold, H. A. Eide, K. Stamnes, W. Li, J. Nieke, Y. Nakajoma, and F. Takahashi, ADEOS-II/GLI snow/ice products - Part II: Validation Results, Remote Sensing of Environment, 111, 320-336, 2007. Citations(70).
Hori, M., Te. Aoki, K. Stamnes, and W. Li, ADEOS-II/GLI snow/ice products - Part III: Retrieved Results, Remote Sensing of Environment, 111, 274-319, 2007. Citations(38).
Spurr, R., K. Stamnes, H. Eide, W. Li, K. Zhang, and J. Stamnes, Simultaneous retrieval of aerosol and ocean color: A classic inverse modeling approach: I. Analytic Jacobians from the linearized CAO-DISORT model, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiative Transfer, 104, 428-449, 2007. Citations(26)
K. Stamnes, W. Li, H. Eide and J. J. Stamnes, Challenges in atmospheric correction of satellite imagery, Opt. Eng., 44(4), 41003-41011, 2005.
Jiang, S., K. Stamnes, W. Li and B. Hamre, Enhanced Solar Irradiance Across the Atmosphere-Sea Ice Interface: A Quantitative Numerical Study, Applied Optics, 44, 2613-2625, 2005. Citations(12)
Stamnes, K., W. Li, B. Yan, H. Eide, A. Barnard, W. S. Pegau and J. J. Stamnes, Accurate and self-consistent ocean color algorithm: simultaneous retrieval of aerosol optical properties and chlorophyll concentrations, Applied Optics, 42, 939-951, 2003.
Stamnes, K., B. Yan, W. Li, J. J. Stamnes and S. C. Tsay, Pitfalls in atmospheric correction of ocean color imagery: how should aerosol optical properties be computed?: reply to comment, Applied Optics, 42, 545-549, 2003. Citations(61).
Yan, B., K. Stamnes, W. Li, B. Chen, J. J. Stamnes, and S. C. Tsay, Pitfalls in atmospheric correction of ocean color imagery: How should aerosol optical properties be computed? Applied Optics, 41, 412-423, 2002. Citations(41)
Xiong, X., D. Lubin, W. Li, and K. Stamnes, A Critical Examination of Satellite Cloud Retrieval from AVHRR in the Arctic Using SHEBA Data, J. Appl. Met., 41, 1195-1209, 2002. Citations(3)
Yan, B., K. Stamnes, M. Toratani, W. Li, and J. J. Stamnes, Evaluation of a reflectance model used in the SeaWiFS ocean color algorithm: Implications for chlorophyll concentration retrievals, Applied Optics, 41, 6243-6259, 2002. Citations(11)
Xiong, X., W. Li, D. Lubin, and K. Stamnes, Evaluating the principles of cloud remote sensing with AVHRR and MAS Imagery over SHEBA, J. Geophys. Res., 2002. doi:10.1029/2000JC000424.
Li, W., K. Stamnes, B. Chen, and X. Xiong, Snow grain size retrieved from near-infrared radiances at multiple wavelengths, Geophys. Res. Lett., 28 (9), 1699-1702, 2001. Citations(79)
Lubin, D., W. Li, P. Dustan, C. H. Mazel, and K. Stamnes, Remote sensing of coral reefs from space: Spectral signatures and band optimization, Remote Sensing of the Environment, 75, 127-137, 2001. Citations (138).