Shucheng Yu
Associate Professor
Charles V. Schaefer, Jr. School of Engineering and Science
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- PhD (2010) Worcester Polytechnic Institute (Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Shucheng Yu's current research interests include information security, applied cryptography, wireless networking and sensing, distributed trust, and applied machine learning. He is also interested in practical security and privacy in IoT systems.
He is the recipient of the Test of Time Paper Award of IEEE Infocom 2020 for his research on cloud data security. He directs the AISecLab research cluster of the ECE department at Stevens. He is a Fellow of IEEE and a Fellow of AAIA.
He is the recipient of the Test of Time Paper Award of IEEE Infocom 2020 for his research on cloud data security. He directs the AISecLab research cluster of the ECE department at Stevens. He is a Fellow of IEEE and a Fellow of AAIA.
Institutional Service
- Associate Direct, the Center for Innovative Computing and Networked Systems (iCNS) Member
- SES Doctoral Committee Member
- Faculty Advisory Council Member
- Research Committee Member
Professional Service
- IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology Editor
- IEEE Blockchain Technical Briefs Editor
- IEEE Internet of Things Journal Editor
- IEEE ICC 2023 Symposium Co-Chair
- IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing Editor
- IEEE VTC 2021 Publicity Co-Chair
- Wireless and Optical Communications Conference Board member
Honors and Awards
1. "Strengthened Reputation, Increased Prestige" Award, Stevens Institute of Technology, 2021.
2. "Test of Time Paper Award" of IEEE INFOCOM 2020 (for his work on cloud data security).
3. "Outstanding Teaching Award", ECE Department, Stevens Institute of Technology, 2019
4. Visiting Faculty Research Fellowship of the US Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), 2018, 2020-2023.
2. "Test of Time Paper Award" of IEEE INFOCOM 2020 (for his work on cloud data security).
3. "Outstanding Teaching Award", ECE Department, Stevens Institute of Technology, 2019
4. Visiting Faculty Research Fellowship of the US Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), 2018, 2020-2023.
Professional Societies
- AAIA – Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association Fellow
- IEEE – The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Fellow
- AAAS – American Association for the Advancement of Science Member
- ACM – The Association for Computing Machinery Member
- ASEE – American Society for Engineering Education Member
Selected Publications
Conference Proceeding
- Guo, R.; Li, J.; Yu, S. (2024). {GridSE}: Towards Practical Secure Geographic Search via Prefix Symmetric Searchable Encryption. Philadelphia, PA: USENIX Security'24.
https://www.usenix.org/conference/usenixsecurity24/presentation/guo-ruoyang. - Zhang, Z.; Ahmed, N.; Yu, S. (2024). QE-DBA: Query-Efficient Decision-Based Adversarial Attacks via Bayesian Optimization. 2024 International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC).
http://www.conf-icnc.org/2024/papers/p783-zhang.pdf. - Hasan, M.; Yu, S.; Song, M. (2023). Secured Full-Duplex UAV-Aided Spectrum-Sharing Network Based on NOMA. IEEE MASS.
- Xue, X.; Hasan, M.; Yu, S.; Kandel, L.; Song, M. (2023). Over-the-Air Federated Learning with Enhanced Privacy. IEEE ICC.
- Wang, R.; Njilla, L.; Yu, S. (2023). A-C: An NDN-based Blockchain Network With Erasure Coding. IEEE ICNC 2023. IEEE.
- Hasan, M.; Yu, S.; Song, M. (2023). Uplink Secrecy Analysis for UAV-Enabled PD-NOMA-Based Underlay Spectrum Sharing Networks. IEEE WCNC.
- Xue, X.; Yu, S.; Song, M.. Secure Device Trust Bootstrapping Against Collaborative Signal Modification Attacks. IEEE Infocom 2023 (Acceptance Rate: 19.2% = 252/1312). IEEE.
- Yu, S.; Amhed, N.; Wang, R. (2021). Anchor: An NDN-based Blockchain Network. Virtual Conference: International Conference on Applied Cryptography in Computer and Communications (AC3 2021).
- Xue, X.; Yu, S.; Song, M.; Xin, C. (2021). K-Group Random Channel Hopping (K-RCH) Rendezvous for Cognitive Radio Networks. IEEE ICC.
- Tao, Y.; Zhou, J.; Yu, S. (2021). Efficient Parameter Aggregation in Federated Learning with Hybrid Convergecast. Virtual Conference: IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC 2021).
- Zhao, D.; Zhou, J.; Yu, S. (2020). ELVMC: A predictive energy-aware algorithm for virtual machine consolidation in cloud computing. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2020 International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP 2020) (vol. 12453). New York City: Springer, Cham.
- Zhang, Z.; Njilla, L.; Yu, S.; Yuan, J. (2019). Edge-Assisted Learning for Real-time UAV Imagery via Predictive Offloading. 2019 IEEE Global Communications Conference (Globecom 2019). Waikoloa, HI: IEEE.
- Kandel, L. N.; Zhang, Z.; Yu, S. (2019). Exploiting CSI-MIMO for Accurate and Efficient Device Identification. 2019 IEEE Global Communications Conference (Globecom 2019). Waikoloa, HI: IEEE.
- Kandel, L. N.; Yu, S. (2019). VWAN: Virtual WiFi ANtennas for Increased Indoor Localization Accuracy. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Internet (ICII 2019). Orlando, FL: IEEE.
- Tian, Y.; Yuan, J.; Yu, S.; Hou, Y.; Song, H. (2019). Edge-Assisted CNN Inference over Encrypted Data for Internet of Things. 15th EAI International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks (SecureComm). Orlando, FL: ACM.
- Tian, Y.; Njilla, L.; Raja, A.; Yuan, J.; Yu, S.; Steinbacher, A. (2019). Cost-Effective NLOS Detection for Privacy Invasion Attacks by Consumer Drones. 2019 IEEE/AIAA 38th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC). San Diego, CA: IEEE.
- Guo, J.; Wang, M.; Chen, B.; Yu, S.; Zhang, H.; Zhang, Y. (2019). Enabling Blockchain Applications Over Named Data Networking. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC). Shanghai: IEEE.
- Xie, Q.; Hou, Y.; Cheng, K.; Dagher, G. G.; Wang, L.; Yu, S. (2019). Flexibly and Securely Shape Your Data Disclosed to Others. Proceedings of the 2019 ACM Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS 2019) (pp. 160-167). Auckland: ACM.
https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=3329851. - Zhou, J.; Liu, X.; Tao, Y.; Yu, S. (2019). QoS-Aware Power Management with Deep Learning. 2019 IFIP/IEEE Symposium on Integrated Network and Service Management (IM) (pp. 289-294). Arlington, VA: IEEE.
https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8717848/versions. - Kandel, L. N.; Yu, S. (2019). Indoor Localization Using Commodity Wi-Fi APs: Techniques and Challenges. International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC 2019) (pp. 526 - 530). Honolulu, HI: IEEE.
https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8685501. - Tao, Y.; Yu, S. (2019). kFHCO: Optimal VM Consolidation via k-Factor Horizontal Checkpoint Oversubscription. International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC 2019) (pp. 380-384). Honolulu, HI: IEEE.
Journal Article
- Hasan, M. K.; Xue, X.; Yu, S.; Song, M. (2023). Cooperative NOMA-Based Spectrum Leasing with Multiple Secondary Users. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
- Zhang, Z.; Li, J.; Yu, S.; Makaya, C. (2023). SAFELearning: Secure Aggregation in Federated Learning With Backdoor Detectability. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (vol. 18, pp. 3289 - 3304). New York: IEEE.
https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10136231. - Li, J.; Zhang, Z.; Yu, S.; Yuan, J. (2022). Improved Secure Deep Neural Network Inference Offloading with Privacy-Preserving Scalar Product Evaluation for Edge Computing. Applied Sciences (18 ed., vol. 12). Basel: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute.
https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3417/12/18/9010. - Rasori, M.; Perazzo, P.; Dini, G.; Yu, S. (2021). Indirect Revocable KP-ABE with Revocation Undoing Resistance. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing.
https://www.computer.org/csdl/journal/sc/5555/01/09399298/1sDoGcnjNXq. - Tian, Y.; Njilla, L.; Yuan, J.; Yu, S. (2020). Low Latency Privacy-preserving Outsourcing of Deep Neural Network Inference. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. IEEE.
CPE/EE 695 - Applied Machine Learning
CPE/EE 691 - Information Systems Security
CPE/EE 691 - Information Systems Security