Nafiseh Ghorbani Renani
Teaching Assistant Professor
Charles V. Schaefer, Jr. School of Engineering and Science
Department of Systems and Enterprises
- PhD (2021) University Of Oklahoma (Industrial and Systems Engineering)
- MS (2013) University Technology Of Malaysia (Industrial Engineering )
- BS (2008) Yazd University (Industrial Engineering )
General Information
Methodological domains: mathematical modeling, network optimization, network interdiction, novel and hybrid solution algorithms, and production planning and inventory management
Impact domains: infrastructure risk, supply chain risk, and energy efficiency and utilization of smart and connected communities
Methodological domains: mathematical modeling, network optimization, network interdiction, novel and hybrid solution algorithms, and production planning and inventory management
Impact domains: infrastructure risk, supply chain risk, and energy efficiency and utilization of smart and connected communities
Professional Service
- Institute for Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE) Member
- Institute for Operation Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) Member
Teaching Assistant Professor
Professional Societies
- (IISE) – Institute for Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE) Member
- (INFORMS) – Institute for Operation Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) Member
Selected Publications
Ramineni, G., Ghorbani-Renani, N., Barker, K., Razzaghi, T., González, A.D., & Radhakrishnan, S. (2023). Machine Learning Approaches to Modeling Interdependent Network Restoration Time. Environment Systems and Decisions, Vol. 43, No. 1, 22-35.
Soltanisehat, L., Ghorbani-Renani, N., Barker, K., & González, A.D. (2022). Assessing Production Fulfillment Time Risk: Application to Pandemic-Related Health Equipment. International Journal of Production Research. 1-22
Maraqa, S., Karakoc, D.B., Ghorbani-Renani, N., Barker, K., & González, A.D. (2022). Project Network Implementation of Infrastructure System Restoration. Computers and Industrial Engineering, Vol. 170, 108342.
Ghorbani-Renani, N., González, A., & Barker, K. (2021). A Decomposition Approach for Solving Tri-level Defender-Attacker-Defender Problems. Computers and Industrial Engineering, Vol. 153, 107085.
Ghorbani-Renani, N., González, A., Barker, K., & Morshedlou, N. (2019). Protection-Interdiction-Restoration: Tri-level Optimization for Enhancing Interdependent Network Resilience. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, Vol. 199, 106907.
Abdi, E., Rangraz Jeddi, A., Ghorbani-Renani, N., Ghasemi, I., & Azarpajuh, A. (2016). Relationship among 5M in the Value Chain of Nanotechnology and Cost Leadership Strategy. Mediterranean Journal of Social Science, Vol. 6, No. 2.
Rangraz Jeddi, A., Malek, A., Khademi, A., Ghorbani Renani, N., & Noordin, M.Y. (2013). Multi Objective Optimization of Servers Number in Auto After-Sale Service. International Review on Modelling and Simulations, Vol. 6, No. 1, 270-276.
Cilali, B., Ghorbani-Renani, N., Barker, K., & González, A.D. (2021). Toward Decentralized Decision Making for Interdependent Infrastructure Network Resilience. Dynamics of Disasters, Springer Optimization and Its Applications.
Ghorbani-Renani, N., Preziuso, D., Odonkor, P. (2022). Addressing social vulnerability in community microgrids: an equity-centered peer-to-peer electricity trading model. Proceedings of the 9th ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Buildings, Cities, and Transportation, 310-314.
Ghorbani-Renani, N., Odonkor, P. (2022). A Multi-Objective Optimization for Clustering Buildings into Smart Microgrid Communities. 2022 IEEE Green Energy and Smart System Systems (IGESSC), 1-6.
Ghorbani-Renani, N., Odonkor, P. (2022). An Energy Cost Optimization Model for Electricity Trading in Community Microgrids. 2022 IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2), 1-7.
Ghorbani Renani, N., Helmi, S.A., Hisjam, M., & Rangraz Jeddi, A. (2018). Analytic Hierarchy Process Model for Optimum Distribution Network Selection in Food Industries. International Conference on Industrial, Chemical, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Surakarta, Indonesia, October 2018.
Ojaghi, Y., Khademi, A., Noordin M.Y., Ghorbani Renani, N., & Helmi, S.A. (2014). Production Layout Optimization for Small and Medium Scale Food Industry. 12th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing, Johor Bahru, Malaysia, September 2014.
Rangraz Jeddi, A., Ghorbani Renani, N., Khademi, A., Shokri Aliabadi,V., & Noordin, M.Y. (2013). Low-Cost Strategy Factors in Airline Industry: The AirAsia Case. 1st International Materials, Industrial, and Manufacturing Conference, Johor Bahru, Malaysia, December 2013.
Ramineni, G., Ghorbani-Renani, N., Barker, K., Razzaghi, T., González, A.D., & Radhakrishnan, S. (2023). Machine Learning Approaches to Modeling Interdependent Network Restoration Time. Environment Systems and Decisions, Vol. 43, No. 1, 22-35.
Soltanisehat, L., Ghorbani-Renani, N., Barker, K., & González, A.D. (2022). Assessing Production Fulfillment Time Risk: Application to Pandemic-Related Health Equipment. International Journal of Production Research. 1-22
Maraqa, S., Karakoc, D.B., Ghorbani-Renani, N., Barker, K., & González, A.D. (2022). Project Network Implementation of Infrastructure System Restoration. Computers and Industrial Engineering, Vol. 170, 108342.
Ghorbani-Renani, N., González, A., & Barker, K. (2021). A Decomposition Approach for Solving Tri-level Defender-Attacker-Defender Problems. Computers and Industrial Engineering, Vol. 153, 107085.
Ghorbani-Renani, N., González, A., Barker, K., & Morshedlou, N. (2019). Protection-Interdiction-Restoration: Tri-level Optimization for Enhancing Interdependent Network Resilience. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, Vol. 199, 106907.
Abdi, E., Rangraz Jeddi, A., Ghorbani-Renani, N., Ghasemi, I., & Azarpajuh, A. (2016). Relationship among 5M in the Value Chain of Nanotechnology and Cost Leadership Strategy. Mediterranean Journal of Social Science, Vol. 6, No. 2.
Rangraz Jeddi, A., Malek, A., Khademi, A., Ghorbani Renani, N., & Noordin, M.Y. (2013). Multi Objective Optimization of Servers Number in Auto After-Sale Service. International Review on Modelling and Simulations, Vol. 6, No. 1, 270-276.
Cilali, B., Ghorbani-Renani, N., Barker, K., & González, A.D. (2021). Toward Decentralized Decision Making for Interdependent Infrastructure Network Resilience. Dynamics of Disasters, Springer Optimization and Its Applications.
Ghorbani-Renani, N., Preziuso, D., Odonkor, P. (2022). Addressing social vulnerability in community microgrids: an equity-centered peer-to-peer electricity trading model. Proceedings of the 9th ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Buildings, Cities, and Transportation, 310-314.
Ghorbani-Renani, N., Odonkor, P. (2022). A Multi-Objective Optimization for Clustering Buildings into Smart Microgrid Communities. 2022 IEEE Green Energy and Smart System Systems (IGESSC), 1-6.
Ghorbani-Renani, N., Odonkor, P. (2022). An Energy Cost Optimization Model for Electricity Trading in Community Microgrids. 2022 IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2), 1-7.
Ghorbani Renani, N., Helmi, S.A., Hisjam, M., & Rangraz Jeddi, A. (2018). Analytic Hierarchy Process Model for Optimum Distribution Network Selection in Food Industries. International Conference on Industrial, Chemical, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Surakarta, Indonesia, October 2018.
Ojaghi, Y., Khademi, A., Noordin M.Y., Ghorbani Renani, N., & Helmi, S.A. (2014). Production Layout Optimization for Small and Medium Scale Food Industry. 12th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing, Johor Bahru, Malaysia, September 2014.
Rangraz Jeddi, A., Ghorbani Renani, N., Khademi, A., Shokri Aliabadi,V., & Noordin, M.Y. (2013). Low-Cost Strategy Factors in Airline Industry: The AirAsia Case. 1st International Materials, Industrial, and Manufacturing Conference, Johor Bahru, Malaysia, December 2013.