Jeffrey Nickerson
Professor and Steven Shulman '62 Endowed Chair for Business Leadership
School of Business
• Collective intelligence
• Design and creativity
• Digital innovation
Most papers can be found on my Google Scholar or my SSRN page
• Design and creativity
• Digital innovation
Most papers can be found on my Google Scholar or my SSRN page
Institutional Service
- Vision for Computer Science Education Member
- Ph.D. Program Committee for Data Science Member
- School of Business Research Committee Chair
- School of Business Tenure Committee for Full Professor Member
- Student Managed Investment Fund Advisory Board Member
- Review Committee on Promotion and Tenure Chair
- School of Business Dean Search Committee Member
- University Promotion and Tenure Committee Member
- Hanlon Advisory Board Member
- School of Business Nominations Committee Member
- School of Business Nominations Committee for Full Professor Member
- Search Committee for Tenure stream positions in Information Systems Member
- MSIS program committee Member
- University Strategic Planning Task Force Member
- Search Committee for the Vice Provost of Research Member
- School of Business Board of Advisors Member
- School of Business Tenure Committee Member
- Provost Search Committee Member
- Search Committee for the Vice President for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer Member
- Dean's Committee of the School of Business Member
- Hanlon Advisory Board Member
- Meeting of the deans/associate deans of research Member
- Nominating Committee for promotion to Full Professor Chair
- Ph.D. Program Committee for Data Science Member
- School of Business Board of Advisors Member
- School of Business Nominations Committee Member
- Search Committee for Tenure stream positions in Information Systems Member
- Student Managed Investment Fund Advisory Board Member
- MSIS program committee Member
- Bi-weekly meeting of the deans/associate deans of research Member
- Board of Trustees Investment Committee Member
- Dean's Committee of the School of Business Member
- Ph.D. Program Committee for Business Administration Member
- Ph.D. Program Committee for Data Science Member
- School of Business Board of Advisors Member
- School of Business Nominations Committee Member
- Schulman Chair Search Committee Chair
- Student Managed Investment Fund Advisory Board Member
- MSIS program committee Member
Professional Service
- Society of Automotive Engineers Analyst
- ACM Collective Intelligence Conference Member of the Steering Committee
- Pica9 Board Member
- A Research Coordination Network to Converge Research on Work in the Age of Increased Automation co-PI
- Alphabet Consultant/Tester
- HICSS Doctoral Consortium Mentor
- The Web Conference Senior Program Committee Member
- AOM Doctoral Consortium Mentoring
- HICSS Minitrack Co-Chair
- ACM Collective Intelligence Conference Member of the Steering Committee
- Pica9 Board Member
- Collective Intelligence Conference Member of the Steering Committee
Professional Societies
- ACM Member
- AIS – Association for Information Systems Member
- AOM – Academy of Management Member
- AAAI Member
- AIS – Association for Information Systems Member
- AIS – Association for Information Systems Member
Grants, Contracts and Funds
NSF: Exploring Design and Evaluation Space through Crowds and Communities
NSF: Collaborative Research: Understandingand Improving Implicit Coordination in
Peer Production Networks, with Deborah Gordon, Stanford.
NSF: Planning to study automation and the future of news production with Kevin Crowston(PI), Keren Henderson(co-PI, Syracuse), and Lydia B. Chilton (co-PI, Columbia)
NSF: A Research Coordination Network to Converge Research on the Socio-Technological Landscape of Work in the Age of Increased Automation. with Kevin Crowston (PI, Syracuse), and Ingrid M. Erickson (Co-PI, Syracuse)
NSF: Collaborative Research: Understandingand Improving Implicit Coordination in
Peer Production Networks, with Deborah Gordon, Stanford.
NSF: Planning to study automation and the future of news production with Kevin Crowston(PI), Keren Henderson(co-PI, Syracuse), and Lydia B. Chilton (co-PI, Columbia)
NSF: A Research Coordination Network to Converge Research on the Socio-Technological Landscape of Work in the Age of Increased Automation. with Kevin Crowston (PI, Syracuse), and Ingrid M. Erickson (Co-PI, Syracuse)
Selected Publications
Book Chapter
- Nickerson, J. (2020). Remixing Systems: Collective design through modification. Handbook of Digital Innovation. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Conference Proceeding
- Erickson, I.; Pine, K.; Elmholdt, K.; Nickerson, J.; Waardenburg, L.; Lebovitz, S. (2024). Data Work as an Organizational Subject: Crafting a Future Research Agenda. Academy of Management Proceedings (1 ed., vol. 2024). Academy of Management.
http://dx.doi.org/10.5465/amproc.2024.15887symposium. - Wang, S.; Menon, S.; Long, T.; Henderson, K.; Li, D.; Crowston, K.; Hansen, M.; Nickerson, J.; Chilton, L. B. (2024). ReelFramer: Human-AI Co-Creation for News-to-Video Translation. Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (vol. 16, pp. 1-20). ACM.
http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/3613904.3642868. - Lindberg, A.; Nickerson, J.; Saltz, J.; Seidel, S. (2023). AI, Organizing, and Management in 2023. Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (vol. 2023, pp. 5241).
- Petridis, S.; Diakopoulos, N.; Crowston, K.; Hansen, M.; Henderson, K.; Jastrzebski, S.; Nickerson, J.; Chilton, L. B. (2023). Anglekindling: Supporting journalistic angle ideation with large language models. Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1--16).
- Zhang, S.; Yan, B.; Herve, J.; Nickerson, J. (2023). The Work Ecosystem: Software Technology Diversity and the Value of Occupations. Occupations as Systems of Technology Skills: The Role of Modularity and Connectedness. Academy of Management Meetings Proceedings. Academy of Management Meetings Proceedings.
https://journals.aom.org/doi/abs/10.5465/AMPROC.2023.212bp. - Nickerson, J.; Zhang, S. (2023). Generative AI in Knowledge Work. Leading and Managing in the Digital Era.
- Zhang, S.; Nickerson, J. V. (2023). Understanding and Predicting Changes in the Occupation Ecosystem. Shiyan Zhang. Leading and Managing in the Digital Era.
- Nickerson, J.; Wang, S.; Chilton, L. B. (2023). Ideating with Text and Image Models by Treating Data as Material. Data as a Material for Design: Alternative Narratives, Divergent Pathways, and Future Directions.
- Wang, S.; Chilton, L.; Nickerson, J. V. (2023). Writing with Generative AI: Multi-modal and multi-dimensional tools for journalists. The Second Workshop on Intelligent and Interactive Writing Assistants at ACM CHI.
- Lindberg, A.; Nickerson, J.; Saltz, J.; Seidel, S. (2022). AI, Organizing, and Management. Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (vol. 2022, pp. 5911--5912).
- Nickerson, J.; Seidel, S.; Yepes, G.; Berente, N. (2022). Design Principles for Coordination in the Metaverse (vol. 2022). Academy of Management.
http://dx.doi.org/10.5465/ambpp.2022.15178abstract. - Zhang, S.; Nickerson, J. (2022). The Coevolution of Tasks and Technologies. Academy of Management Proceedings (1 ed., vol. 2022). Academy of Management.
http://dx.doi.org/10.5465/ambpp.2022.17122abstract. - Seidel, S.; Berente, N.; Nickerson, J.; Yepes, G. (2022). Designing the Metaverse. Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
http://dx.doi.org/10.24251/hicss.2022.811. - Seidel, S.; Nickerson, J.; Saltz, J.; Lindberg, A. (2022). Introduction to the Minitrack on AI, Organizing, and Management. Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
http://dx.doi.org/10.24251/hicss.2022.718. - Zheng, L. N.; Mai, F.; Yan, B.; Nickerson, J. (2021). The Effect of Learning Machines on Online Community Governance. Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems.
- Zhang, S.; Nickerson, J. (2021). Occupation Modularity and the Work Ecosystem. International Conference on Information Systems.
- Lindberg, A.; Nickerson, J.; Saltz, J.; Seidel, S. (2021). AI, Organizing, and management. Proceedings of the 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (pp. 5493--5494).
- Zhang, S.; Nickerson, J. (2021). The Coevolution of Tasks and Technologies. ACM Collective Intelligence.
- Lindberg, A.; Nickerson, J.; Saltz, J.; Seidel, S. (2021). AI, organizing, and management. Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (vol. 2020-January, pp. 5493-5494).
- Zheng, L.; Mai, F.; Gordon, D. M.; Nickerson, J. (2020). Bursty coordination in online communities. 40th International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS 2019.
- Gerber, E. M.; Nickerson, J.; Dontcheva, M.; Dabbish, L.; Hill, C. (2019). Collective innovation. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, CSCW (pp. 106-110).
- Nagasamudram, R.; Nickerson, J. (2019). Experiments in Collective Design. DESRIST.
- Nickerson, J.; Lei (Nico) Zheng; Albano, C. M. (2019). Knowledge Production by Collectives Composed of Humans and Machines. Collective Intelligence.
- Nickerson, J.; Zheng, L. N.; Albano, C. M. (2019). Steps toward Understanding the Design and Evaluation Spaces of Bot and Human Knowledge Production Systems. Wiki Workshop.
- Xiao, L.; Nickerson, J. (2019). Imperatives in Past Online Discussions: Another Helpful Source for Community Newcomers?. Proceedings of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. scholarspace.manoa.hawaii.edu.
- Zheng, L.; Mai, F.; Gordon, D.; Nickerson, J. (2018). Bursty Coordination in Online Communities. Workshop on Information Technology and Systems.
- Lei (Nico) Zheng; Mai, F.; Gordon, D. M.; Nickerson, J. (2018). Bursty Coordination in Online Communities. Workshop on Information in Technology.
- Nickerson, J.; Zhang, S.; zur Muehlen, M. (2018). Designing Work. Workshop on Power Struggles in the Digital Economy at CSCW.
- Han, Y.; Nickerson, J. (2018). Novelty and Diversity: Remixing with Human-based Search Algorithms. International Conference on Information Systems.
- Nagasamudram, R.; Mazumdar, A.; Nickerson, J. (2018). Towards a System for Experimenting with Remixing. The Industrial Internet of Things: New Perspectives on HCI and CSCW within Industry Settings, a workshop at CSC.
- Creamer, G.; Ren, Y.; Nickerson, J. (2013). Impact of dynamic corporate news networks on asset return and volatility. 2013 International conference on social computing (pp. 809--814).
- Creamer, G.; Ren, Y.; Sakamoto, Y.; Nickerson, J. (2013). News and sentiment analysis of the european market with a hybrid expert weighting algorithm. 2013 International Conference on Social Computing (pp. 391--396).
- Creamer, G.; Ren, Y.; Nickerson, J. (2011). News, Corporate Network and Price Discovery. Workshop on Information in Networks (WIN). NYU Stern.
- Blake, M. B.; Sliva, A. L.; zur Muehlen, M.; Nickerson, J.; Sprague, R. (2007). Binding Now or Binding Later: The Performance of UDDI Registries. Proceedings of the 40th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-40). Waikoloa, HI: IEEE.
- Corter, J. E.; Nickerson, J.; Esche, S.; Chassapis, C. (2004). Remote versus hands-on labs: A comparative study. Proceedings - Frontiers in Education Conference, FIE (vol. 2).
- Nickerson, J.; zur Muehlen, M.; King, J. L.; Lyytinen, K. (2003). Defending the Spirit of the Web: Conflicts in the Internet Standards Process. Workshop on Standard Making: A Critical Research Frontier for Information Systems (pp. 327-343). Seattle, WA.
Editorial, Conference Proceeding
- Lindberg, A.; Nickerson, J.; Saltz, J.; Seidel, S. (2021). AI, organizing, and management. Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (vol. 2020-January, pp. 5493-5494).
- Lindberg, A.; Nickerson, J.; Saltz, J.; Seidel, S. (2021). AI, organizing, and management. Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (vol. 2020-January, pp. 5493-5494).
- Lindberg, A.; Seidel, S.; Nickerson, J. (2020). AI & Organizing. Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (vol. 2020-January, pp. 5159).
Journal Article
- Lazar, M.; Mateja, D.; Lifshitz-Assaf, H.; Yoo, Y.; Ding, M.; Nickerson, J.; Wolfson, B.; Cheng, Z.; Lee, D.; Tambe, P.; Cao, X. (2023). Innovation in the Digital Age: Expanding the Boundaries of the Creative Process with Generative AI. Academy of Management Proceedings (1 ed., vol. 2023). Academy of Management.
http://dx.doi.org/10.5465/amproc.2023.18876symposium. - Zheng, L.; Mai, F.; Yan, B.; Nickerson, J. (2023). Stigmergy in Open Collaboration: An Empirical Investigation Based on Wikipedia. Journal of Management Information Systems .
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/07421222.2023.2229119. - Kyriakou, H.; Nickerson, J.; Majschrzak, A. (2022). Novelty and the Structure of Design Landscapes: A Relational View of Online Innovation Communities. MIS Quarterly (3 ed., vol. 46, pp. 1691-1720).
- Ren, J.; Dong, H.; Popovic, A.; Sabnis, G.; Nickerson, J. (2022). Digital platforms in the news industry: how social media platforms impact traditional media news viewership. European Journal of Information Systems (pp. 1-18). Informa UK Limited.
http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/0960085x.2022.2103046. - Dong, H.; Ren, J.; Padmanabhan, B.; Nickerson, J. (2022). How are social and mass media different in relation to the stock market? A study on topic coverage and predictive value. Information & Management (2 ed., vol. 59, pp. 103588). Elsevier BV.
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.im.2021.103588. - Ren, J.; Dong, H.; Padmanabhan, B.; Nickerson, J. (2021). How does social media sentiment impact mass media sentiment? A study of news in the financial markets. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (9 ed., vol. 72, pp. 1183-1197).
- Seidel, S.; Berente, N.; Lindberg, A.; Lyytinen, K.; Martinez, B.; Nickerson, J. (2020). Artificial Intelligence and Video Game Creation: A Framework for the New Logic of Autonomous Design. Journal of Digital Social Research (3 ed., vol. 2, pp. 126--157).
- Seidel, S.; Berente, N.; Lindberg, A.; Lyytinen, K.; Martinez, B.; Nickerson, J. (2020). Artificial intelligence and video game creation: A framework for the new logic of autonomous design. Journal of Digital Social Research (3 ed., vol. 2, pp. 126--157).
- Lindberg, A.; Seidel, S.; Nickerson, J. (2020). Introduction to the Minitrack on AI and Organizing.
- Lindberg, A.; Seidel, S.; Nickerson, J. (2020). Introduction to the Minitrack on AI and Organizing.
- Zheng, M.; Marsh, J. K.; Nickerson, J.; Kleinberg, S. (2020). How causal information affects decisions. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications (1 ed., vol. 5).
- Seidel, S.; Berente, N.; Lindberg, A.; Lyytinen, K.; Nickerson, J. (2020). Artificial Intelligence and Video Game Creation: A framework for the new logic of autonomous design. Journal of Digital Social Research (3 ed., vol. 2).
http://dx.doi.org/10.33621/jdsr.v2i3.46. - Han, Y.; Ozturk, P.; Nickerson, J. (2020). Leveraging the Wisdom of Crowd to Address Societal Challenges: Revisiting the Knowledge Reuse Process for Innovation through Analytics. Journal of the Association for Information Systems (5 ed., vol. 21).
- Zheng, M.; Marsh, J. K.; Nickerson, J.; Kleinberg, S. (2020). How causal information affects decisions.. Cognitive research: principles and implications (1 ed., vol. 5, pp. 6).
- Lyytinen, K.; Nickerson, J.; King, J. L. (2020). Metahuman systems = humans + machines that learn. Journal of Information Technology.
- Zheng, L.; Albano, C. M.; Vora, N. M.; Mai, F.; Nickerson, J. (2019). The roles bots play in Wikipedia. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (CSCW ed., vol. 3).
- Wang, K.; Nickerson, J. (2019). A Wikipedia-based Method to Support Creative Idea Generation: The Role of Stimulus Relatedness. Journal of Management Information Systems (4 ed., vol. 36, pp. 1284-1312).
- Ren, J.; Nickerson, J. (2019). Arousal, valence, and volume: how the influence of online review characteristics differs with respect to utilitarian and hedonic products. European Journal of Information Systems (3 ed., vol. 28, pp. 272-290). Informa UK Limited.
http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/0960085x.2018.1524419. - Seidel, S.; Berente, N.; Lindberg, A.; Lyytinen, K.; Nickerson, J. (2019). Autonomous tools and design: A triple-loop approach to human-machine learning. Communications of the ACM (1 ed., vol. 62, pp. 50-57).
- Seidel, S.; Berente, N.; Lindberg, A.; Lyytinen, K.; Nickerson, J. (2019). Autonomous tools and design: A triple-loop approach to human-machine learning. Communications of the ACM (1 ed., vol. 62, pp. 50-57).
- Seidel, S.; Berente, N.; Lindberg, A.; Lyytinen, K.; Nickerson, J. (2018). Autonomous tools and design: a triple-loop approach to human-machine learning. Communications of the ACM (1 ed., vol. 62, pp. 50--57). ACM.
- Seidel, S.; Berente, N.; Lindberg, A.; Lyytinen, K.; Nickerson, J. (2018). Autonomous tools and design: a triple-loop approach to human-machine learning. Communications of the ACM (1 ed., vol. 62, pp. 50--57). ACM.
- Seidel, S.; Berente, N.; Martinez, B.; Lindberg, A.; Lyytinen, K.; Nickerson, J. (2018). Autonomous tools in system design: Reflective practice in ubisofts ghost recon wildlands project. Computer (10 ed., vol. 51, pp. 16-23).
- Creamer, G.; Ren, Y.; Sakamoto, Y.; Nickerson, J. (2016). A textual analysis algorithm for the equity market: The European case. The Journal of Investing (3 ed., vol. 25, pp. 105--116). Institutional Investor Journals Umbrella.
- Nickerson, J.; Corter, J. E.; Esche, S.; Chassapis, C. (2007). A model for evaluating the effectiveness of remote engineering laboratories and simulations in education. Computers and Education (3 ed., vol. 49, pp. 708-725).
- Corter, J. E.; Nickerson, J.; Esche, S.; Chassapis, C.; Im, S.; Ma, J. (2007). Constructing reality: A study of remote, hands-on, and simulated laboratories. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (2 ed., vol. 14).
- Nickerson, J.; zur Muehlen, M. (2006). The Ecology of Standards Processes: Lessons from Internet Standardization. MIS Quarterly (Special Issue ed., vol. 30, pp. 467-488).
- zur Muehlen, M.; Nickerson, J.; Swenson, K. D. (2005). Developing Web Services Choreography Standards - The Case of REST vs. SOAP. Decision Support Systems (1 ed., vol. 40, pp. 9-29).
Magazine/Trade Publication
- Aroyo, L.; Dumitrache, A.; Simperl, E.; Lease, M.; Michelucci, P.; Nickerson, J. (2018). Reports of the workshops held at the sixth AAAI conference on human computation and crowdsourcing. AI Magazine (4 ed., vol. 39, pp. 57). Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence.
- Seidel, S.; Berente, N.; Martinez, B.; Lindberg, A.; Lyytinen, K.; Nickerson, J. (2018). Autonomous tools in system design: Reflective practice in ubisofts ghost recon wildlands project. Computer (10 ed., vol. 51, pp. 16-23).
Technical Report
- Eley, T.; King, J. L.; Lyytinen, K.; Nickerson, J.. Implications of Off-road Automation for On-road Automated Driving Systems. SAE International.
http://dx.doi.org/10.4271/epr2023029. - Nickerson, J.; Lyytinen, K.; King, J. (2022). Automated Vehicles: A Human/Machine Co-learning Perspective. Society of Automotive Engineers.