Benjamin Leinwand
Assistant Professor
Charles V. Schaefer, Jr. School of Engineering and Science
Department of Mathematical Sciences
- PhD (2022) University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Statistics and Operations Research)
- BA (2013) Cornell University (Statistical Science and Economics)
My work lies at the interface of statistics and network science. Applications include neuroscience, social networks, politics.
General Information
Vice President of The New York City Metro Area Chapter of The American Statistical Association (2025-2027)
Institutional Service
- Department of Mathematical Sciences Faculty Candidate Interviewer Member
Professional Service
- New York City Metro Area Chapter of the American Statistical Association Vice President
Professional Societies
- Network Science Society Member
Selected Publications
Conference Proceeding
- Leinwand, B.; Wu, G.; Pipiras, V. (2020). Characterizing Frequency-Selective Network Vulnerability for Alzheimer's Disease by Identifying Critical Harmonic Patterns. 2020 IEEE 17th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI). IEEE.
Journal Article
- Leinwand, B. (2024). Augmented degree correction for bipartite networks with applications to recommender systems. Applied Network Science (1 ed., vol. 9, pp. 1-27).
https://appliednetsci.springeropen.com/articles/10.1007/s41109-024-00630-6. - Baek, C.; Leinwand, B. N.; Lindquist, K. A.; Jeong, S.; Hopfinger, J.; Gates, K. M.; Pipiras, V. (2023). Detecting Changes in Correlation Networks with Application to Functional Connectivity of fMRI Data. Psychometrika (pp. 1 - 20).
https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11336-023-09908-7. - Leinwand, B.; Pipiras, V. (2022). Block dense weighted networks with augmented degree correction. Network Science (pp. 1-21). Cambridge University Press (CUP).
http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/nws.2022.23. - Leinwand, B.; Ge, P.; Kulkarni, V.; Smith, R. (2021). Winning an election, not a popularity contest. Significance (4 ed., vol. 18, pp. 24-29). Wiley.
http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1740-9713.01549. - Baek, C.; Gates, K. M.; Leinwand, B.; Pipiras, V. (2021). Two sample tests for high-dimensional autocovariances. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis (vol. 153, pp. 107067). Elsevier BV.
MA 331: Intermediate Statistics
MA 540: Introduction to Probability Theory
MA 577: Statistical Network Analysis
MA 641: Time Series Analysis
MA 540: Introduction to Probability Theory
MA 577: Statistical Network Analysis
MA 641: Time Series Analysis