Alexei Miasnikov
Charles V. Schaefer, Jr. School of Engineering and Science
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Combinatorial, geometric, algorithmic and asymptotic group theoryAlgorithmic and model theoretic algebra. Mathematical logic and recursion theoryAverage and generic computational complexityCryptographyStatistical methods in pure mathematics
Institutional Service
- SES Research Committee Member
- SES Research Committee Member
Professional Service
- Applied Discrete Mathematics Editor
- Siberian Mathematical Journal Editor
- The journal of Groups, Complexity, Cryptology Editor
- Foundational Member of The Steering Committee of International Conferences GAGTA
- I was part of the Organizing and Scientific committees of a large international algebra conference "Groups, Logic, and Computation" at Stevens Institute in June of 2024
Professional Societies
- AMS – American Math Society Fellow
Selected Publications
- Bassino, F.; Kapovich, I.; Lohrey, M.; Miasnikov, A.; Nicaud, C.; Nikolaev, A.; Rivin, I.; Shpilrain, V.; Ushakov, A.; Weil, P. (2020). Complexity and randomness in group theory: GAGTA BOOK 1. Complexity and Randomness in Group Theory: GAGTA BOOK 1 (pp. 1-374).
Book Chapter
- Kharlampovich, O.; Myasnikov, A. (2021). 3 Quantifier elimination algorithm to boolean combination of ∃∀-formulas in the theory of a free group. Groups and Model Theory (pp. 87-126). De Gruyter.
http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/9783110719710-003. - Kharlampovich, O.; Myasnikov, A.; Sohrabi, M. (2021). 4 Rich groups, weak second-order logic, and applications. Groups and Model Theory (pp. 127-192). De Gruyter.
Conference Proceeding
- Miasnikov, A.; Nikolaev, A. (2020). On Parameterized Complexity of the Word Search Problem in the Baumslag-Gersten Group. Proceedings of the 45th International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (pp. 360–363). New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery.
Journal Article
- Miasnikov, A.; Amaglobeli, M. (2024). Variety of exponential R-groups. Algebra and Logic (2 ed., vol. Volume 62, pp. 119–136). Springer.
- Miasnikov, A. (2024). Some results on the theory of exponential R-groups. Herald of Omsk University (5 ed., vol. 28, pp. 57-68).
- Miasnikov, A.; Myasnikov, A.; Plotkin, E. (2024). The Diophantine problem in Chevalley groups. Journal of Algebra (vol. 650, pp. 219-274). Elsevier BV.
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jalgebra.2024.04.003. - Miasnikov, A. (2024). Generic types and generic elements in rigid divisible groups. Algebra and Logic (1 ed., vol. 62, pp. 72-79). Springer.
- Miasnikov, A. (2023). Universal algebraic geometry: forward to the future. Herald of Omsk University (5 ed., vol. 28).
- Miasnikov, A.; Sohrabi, M. (2022). The Diophantine problem in the classical matrix groups.. No. Izvestiya Mathematics (6 ed., vol. 85). IOP Publishing Ltd..
- Miasnikov, A.; Amaglobeli, M.; Remeslennikov, V. (2022). Description of coordinate groups of irreducible algebraic sets over free 2-nilpotent groups. Doklady mathematics (2 ed., vol. 105). Springer.
- Grecianu, A.; Miasnikov, A.; Serbin, D. (2021). Hierarchy for groups acting on hyperbolic Z^n-spaces. International Journal of Algebra and Computation (8 ed., vol. 31, pp. 1663 - 1690). World Scientific.
- Miasnikov, A. G.; Sohrabi, M. (2021). Complete first-order theories of some classical matrix groups over algebraic integers. Journal of Algebra (vol. 582, pp. 206-231). Elsevier BV.
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jalgebra.2021.04.015. - Miasnikov, A.; Daniyarova, E.; Remeslennikov, V. (2021). Algebraic Geometry over Algebraic Structures. VIII. Geometric Equivalences and Special Classes of Algebraic Structures. Journal of Mathematical Sciences (6 ed., vol. 257, pp. 797-813). Springer.
- Miasnikov, A.; Garreta, A.; Ovchinnikov, D. (2020). Diophantine problem, full rank presentations, and random nilpotent groups. Journal of Algebra (vol. 556, pp. 1-34).
- Miasnikov, A.; Kharlampovich, O.; Lopez, L. (2020). Diophantine Problem in Some Metabelian Groups . Mathematics of Computation (325 ed., vol. 89, pp. 2507-2519).
- Sklinos, R.; Kharlampovich, O.; Miasnikov, A. (2019). Fraisse limits of limit groups. J. Algebra (545 ed., pp. 563-595). Amsterdam: Elsevier.
- Taam, A.; Kharlampovich, O.; Miasnikov, A. (2019). Effective construction of covers of canonical Hom-diagrams for equations over torsion-free hyperbolic groups. Groups Complexity Cryptology (2 ed., vol. 11, pp. 83-101). Berlin: De Gruyter.
https://www.degruyter.com/view/journals/gcc/11/2/article-p83.xml. - MacDonald, J.; Miasnikov, A.; Ovchinnikov, D. (2019). Low-complexity computations for nilpotent subgroup problems. International Journal of Algebra and Computation (4 ed., vol. 29, pp. 639-661).
- Miasnikov, A.; Vassileva, S.; Weiß, A. (2019). The Conjugacy Problem in Free Solvable Groups and Wreath Products of Abelian Groups is in TC 0. Theory of Computing Systems (4 ed., vol. 63, pp. 809-832).
- Jain, S.; Miasnikov, A.; Stephan, F. (2019). The complexity of verbal languages over groups. Journal of Computer and System Sciences (vol. 101, pp. 68-85).
- Miasnikov, A. (2019). Undecidability of equations in free Lie algebras. Transactions of AMS (4 ed., vol. 371, pp. 2987-2999).
- Garreta, A.; Miasnikov, A.; Ovchinnikov, D. (2018). Random nilpotent groups, polycyclic presentations, and Diophantine problems. Groups, Complexity, Cryptology (2 ed., vol. 9, pp. 99-115).
- Miasnikov, A.; Kharlampovich, O. (2018). Undecidability of the first order theories of free non-commutative Lie algebras. Journal of Symbolic Logic (3 ed., vol. 83, pp. 1204-1216).
- Miasnikov, A. (2018). Algebraic geometry over algebraic structures X: Ordinal dimension. IJAC (8 ed., vol. 28, pp. 1425-1448).
- Miasnikov, A.; Romanovskii, N. (2018). Characterization of finitely generated groups by types. IJAC (8 ed., vol. 28, pp. 1613-1632).
- Miasnikov, A. (2018). Equations in Algebras. IJAC (8 ed., vol. 28, pp. 1517-1533).
- Miasnikov, A. (2018). What does a group algebra of a free group "know" about the group?. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic (6 ed., vol. 169 (2018), pp. 523-547 ).