Brain ... Trust?


Brain … Trust?

Meet the Roundtable Experts

Artificial intelligence is transforming almost every sector on Earth, and its influence shows no signs of slowing. These six Stevens faculty members, whose expertise ranges from business to robotics to political science, helped explore AI's current and future impacts in a February 2024 panel discussion.

John Horgan at Ai roundtable

John Horgan, Moderator
Director, Stevens Center for Science Writings 

Teaching assistant professor. Veteran science writer. Author of seven books and more than 600 articles for Scientific American and other publications.

Jeff Nickerson at Stevens Ai roundtable

Jeff Nickerson 
Professor, School of Business 

The Steven Shulman ’62 Endowed Chair for Business Leadership whose research focuses on collective intelligence, design and creativity and digital innovation.  

Jacqueline Libby at Stevens Ai roundtable

Jacqueline Libby 
Assistant Professor of Systems and Enterprises 

Research focuses on medical robotics, soft robotics and physical Human-Robot Interaction (pHRI). Her lab’s mission: to build robotic systems that physically interact with the human body to provide musculoskeletal and neuromuscular rehabilitation.  

Philip Odonkor at Stevens Ai roundtable

Philip Odonkor 
Assistant Professor of Systems and Enterprises 

Research interests focus on developing and utilizing data-driven methodologies to enable efficient and sustainable energy use within built environments, with the goal of enabling smart cities.  

Lindsey Cormack at Stevens Ai roundtable

 Lindsey Cormack
Associate Professor of Political Science 

Author of upcoming book, How to Raise a Citizen and Why It’s Up to You to Do It. Director of the DCinbox project. Research areas include American politics, electoral systems, political communications, and women and veterans politics.  

brendan Englot at Stevens Ai roundtable

Brendan Englot 
Director, Stevens Institute for Artificial Intelligence 

Geoffrey S. Inman Endowed Junior Professor of Mechanical Engineering. Research focuses on perception, planning, optimization and control that enable mobile robots to achieve robust autonomy in complex physical environments.