
Heart Health:
“Most cases of valvular heart disease are missed because of human error — so we brought in AI to help the human.”
Negar Ebadi, then-Stevens associate professor of electrical engineering, discussing her new system, co-created with Stevens research scientist Arash Shokouhmand. The diagnostic tool helps spot heart disease by analyzing the recorded sounds of blood flowing through valves and arteries. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, September 2023.
Detecting Nitroxyl:
“The new reusable detection systems our team developed could open a whole new window into better understanding the chemical and biological profiles of nitroxyl — a derivative of nitric oxide that has been implicated in conditions ranging from sickle cell disease to alcoholism to cancer.”
Yong Zhang, professor of chemistry, describing a study, co-authored with one of his Ph.D. students and two undergraduate students, that discovered the previously unknown mechanisms of a reusable sensor of nitroxyl and new ideas for promising future development. Inorganic Chemistry, February 2024.
Future Forecast:
“This isn’t just about whether you should take your umbrella with you when you go on a walk. The forecasts that we’re missing, the ones that look 2 to 5 minutes into the future, are precisely what’s needed to respond to storms, floods and other emergencies effectively.”
Maroune Temimi, associate professor of civil engineering, discussing his team’s evaluation of seven leading short-term weather models in collboration with NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) in an effort to build future models that will predict highly local flash-flood events and other emergencies more accurately. Environmental Modeling & Software, August 2023.
“The reality is that when it comes to information, more isn’t necessarily better. If you get too much information, your decision-making quickly becomes as bad as if you’d gotten no information at all.”
Samantha Kleinberg, associate professor of computer science, discussing her study with Lehigh University on the simplicity and complexity of information used in making decisions such as choosing a college or university, deciding to vote in an election or managing body weight. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications, August 2023.