Supporting Our Alma Mater, and Each Other

A message from SAA President John Dearborn, Jr. ’79 M.Eng. ’81.

Portrait of John DearbornPortrait: Barry Falls Dear Fellow Alumni, 

I hope you are enjoying the newly redesigned Stevens Indicator, which highlights exciting programs, people and events at our alma mater and our accomplished alumni. 

As President Farvardin notes in his column earlier in this issue, higher education is experiencing disruption. I am confident, however, that Stevens will emerge stronger than ever as we pursue the 2032 Strategic Plan. We are aiming high, benchmarking against some of the strongest institutions and alumni communities in the country. 

The Stevens Alumni Association is doing its part, implementing programs that set a high bar for excellence and align with best practices. As alumni engagement grows, so does Stevens’ reputation. Your support as a Stevens ambassador is more important than ever! 

When you share your favorite Stevens stories, you plant the seeds for prospective students to take a closer look at the university. When you attend admitted student events and new student send-offs in your area, you strengthen the Stevens community. When you wear your Stevens pride on your sleeve (or on your sweatshirt!), especially outside of the New Jersey/New York area, you build the Stevens brand. 

Be sure to visit the alumni events calendar at, including regional events featuring senior university leaders and new networking opportunities. And save the date for Alumni Weekend, scheduled for May 31 to June 1, 2024! It means so much to us, and to Stevens, when we get together in person. 

We also invite you to visit the new StevensConnects platform. It is a great way to stay in touch with each other between in-person gatherings, and to connect with and mentor students. 

We are grateful for your generous involvement. Because of you, Stevens stands apart from the rest. And because of you, Stevens will lead technology-centric higher education forward for another 150 years. 

We look forward to seeing you soon — in person, online and in your Stevens gear! 

John Dearborn, Jr. ’79 M.Eng. ’81
President, Stevens Alumni Association